Month: December 2019

THE SOLO DRIFTER: Southeast Asia (Malaysia-Singapore-Indonesia, plus Indochina) Travel Guide, Budget and Itinerary

After two weeks from my second Indochina tour, I visited three more countries – Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia’s Bintan. If you want to visit six countries for two weeks to a month, I suggest the following route – Vietnam-Cambodia-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore-Indonesia – so take time to read my Indochina travel guide and look for a good flight …

THE SOLO DRIFTER: A Travel Guide to Harmonious Malaysia’s DiverCITY

Before our Asia-Pacific train-the-trainers training in Singapore, I decided to have my flight rerouted to Malaysia and took the 8:50PM flight via Cebu Pacific. There is no time difference between Malaysia and the Philippines and it took us four hours to get there. Philippine passport holders are granted visa-free entry to Malaysia for 30 days. …